Today I realized just how long this ALU is going to take; a
while. Cutting and placing wires is much more time consuming than I had hoped, though this is not exactly unexpected. I was warned about how long it would take if I used
ICs instead of an
FPGA. But I'm not backing down so easily. I bought all these ICs and
I'll be damned if I don't use them. I think I'll use an FPGA for the 16 bit version, after I do some research to see if there's any loss in speed, and how much loss there would be. I'm suspecting it will actually be faster, as the gates are be a lot closer together in an FPGA than they'd be in an ALU made out of ICs, hence less resistance while the signals are moving. The max delays for most of the IC gates averages around 40 ns, so I'll do some math and compare specs with some FPGA's.
Above is a pic of my current progress. This was all done today, and took about 2 hours, including determining a good layout with short connections between ICs. As you can see, I've added some
pull-down resistors to the switches. In my testing post, I mentioned that I was having trouble with the multiplexor; it was because I wasn't using either pull-up or pull-down resistors. Here's a relevant
reddit post about the error. I've also added a
7447 chip and a 7-segment display to display the results of the computations. I was considering using the Arduino I have, but this looks cooler, imo. Plus I'd rather not use the arduino for anything other than power (sounds silly, I know), and let the ALU do all the work.
There are also some slight differences in this layout from my original hdl code, because I had made some errors and added 2 extra wires and a chip that didn't do anything. Below is the corrected code for the ALU. There is also another potential optimization, where I could use one of the available inputs on the 1st 4-bit NAND gate listed in the code and eliminate the need for the last NAND gate in the code, but the code doesn't allow it (even though it would work irl), and the layout would be a bit messier. I have NAND's to spare, so I went ahead and kept it.
// This file uses software accompanying the book
// "The Elements of Computing Systems" by Nisan and Schocken,
// Download the Hardware Simulator at
* The ALU. Computes one of the following functions:
* x+y, x-y, yñx, 0, 1, -1, x, y, -x, -y, !x, !y,
* x+1, y+1, x-1, y-1, x&y, x|y on two 4-bit inputs,
* according to 6 input bits denoted zx,nx,zy,ny,f,no.
* The bit-combinations that yield each function are
* documented in the book. In addition, the ALU
* computes two 1-bit outputs: if the ALU output
* is 0, zr is set to 1; otherwise zr is set to 0;
* If out<0, ng is set to 1; otherwise ng is set to 0.
// Implementation: the ALU manipulates the x and y
// inputs and then operates on the resulting values,
// as follows:
// if (zx==1) set x = 0 // 4-bit constant
// if (nx==1) set x = ~x // bitwise "not"
// if (zy==1) set y = 0 // 4-bit constant
// if (ny==1) set y = ~y // bitwise "not"
// if (f==1) set out = x + y // integer 2's complement addition
// if (f==0) set out = x & y // bitwise "and"
// if (no==1) set out = ~out // bitwise "not"
// if (out==0) set zr = 1
// if (out<0) set ng = 1
x[4], y[4], // 4-bit inputs
zx, // zero the x input?
nx, // negate the x input?
zy, // zero the y input?
ny, // negate the y input?
f, // compute out = x + y (if 1) or out = x & y (if 0)
no; // negate the out output?
out[4], // 4-bit output
zr, // 1 if (out==0), 0 otherwise
ng; // 1 if (out<0), 0 otherwise
Nand4(a[0]=zx, a[1]=zy, b=true, out[0]=w1, out[1]=w5);
And4(a=x, b[0]=w1, b[1]=w1, b[2]=w1, b[3]=w1, out=w2);
Nand4(a=w2, b=true, out=w3);
Mux4(a=w2, b=w3, sel=nx, out=w4);
And4(a=y, b[0]=w5, b[1]=w5, b[2]=w5, b[3]=w5, out=w6);
Nand4(a=w6, b=true, out=w7);
Mux4(a=w6, b=w7, sel=ny, out=w8);
And4(a=w4, b=w8, out=w9);
Add4(a=w4, b=w8, out=w10);
Mux4(a=w9, b=w10, sel=f, out=w11);
Nand4(a=w11, b=true, out=w12);
Mux4(a=w11, b=w12, sel=no, out=w13, out[3]=ng, out=out);
Or4Way(in=w13, out=w14);
Nand(a=w14, b=true, out=zr);